2016.03.03 教育セミナー Educational Seminar「教育・研究におけるグローバル女性リーダーのあり方 」開催のお知らせ(2016/3/30、於:伊都)
教育セミナー Educational Seminar for
“Roles of Global Women Leaders in Research and Education”
University helps develop leaders through education and research. The Office for the Promotion of Gender Equality will invite women researchers who are active in the front lines in the UK and China, and hold an educational seminar. The researchers and the students will have discussions and learn about the expectations for global women leaders in the 21st century.
◆日時:2016年3月30日 (水) 14:00 ~ 16:30
◆場所:伊都キャンパス 伊都ゲストハウス(キャンパスマップ72番)
14:00~開会挨拶 Opening Remarks : Reiko Aoki,PhD,Executive Vice President, Kyushu University
14:10~第1部 基調講演 Keynote Speech,(Chair Person,Take Hiro)
Teachers : Teeling Jessica,PhD,Southampton U,UK
Xinwen Zhang PhD,China Medical U,China
Students : Alex Collcutt,PhD student,Southampton U,UK
Junjun Ni,PhD student,Kyushu U,Japan
第2部 ディスカッション Round - table Discussions(Moderator,Take Hiro)
Paticipates : Keynote speekers,teachers and students of Kyushu University
16:20~閉会挨拶 Closing Remarks : Reiko Aoki
16:30~伊都キャンパスツアー Ito Campus Tour
1.伊都ゲストハウス Ito Guest House
2.嚶鳴天空広場 Q-Common
3.椎木講堂 Shiiki Hall
◎参加費無料、言語:英語 Participation is free, Language : English
TEL:092-642-7233(内線99-7233) E-Mail:event★danjyo.kyushu-u.ac.jp