
英語論文執筆講座「How to Write a Good Manuscript」を開催します(2020/01/16)


How to Write a Good Manuscript

日時: 2020年1月16日(木) 14:00~15:30

場所: 伊都キャンパス 稲盛ホール(キャンパスマップNo.48)

講師: Professor Andrew T.S. Wee

     Associate Editor, ACS Nano
     Department of Physics, National University of Singapore

言語: 英語

定員: 80名

対象: 本学の教職員、大学院生、留学生

University academics are increasingly being pressured to publish their research in high impact journals. Successful scientific careers often hinge on the ability to publish excellent papers that attract high citations.

This class will offer practical tips on scientific publishing from the Editor’s point of view. In particular, the speaker will share his personal experience as an Associate Editor of ACS Nano. The audience will have ample opportunities to ask any questions they might have on scientific publishing.

【Brief biography(講師紹介)】

Professor Andrew Wee is Class of ’62 Professor of Physics, and past Vice President (University and Global Relations) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). His research interests are in surface and nanoscale science, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and synchrotron radiation studies of the molecule-substrate interface, graphene and related 2D materials. A Fellow of the Institute of Physics, UK, the Singapore National Academy of Science, as well as the Institute of Physics Singapore, he has published more than 600 internationally refereed scientific papers. He holds a BA (Honours) in Physics from the University of Cambridge, and a DPhil from the University of Oxford. Prof Wee is an Associate Editor of the journal ACS Nano since 2011, and serves or has served on several international journal editorial boards.


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*For English
