
2/13 Career Development Seminars by Top Scientist を開催します

Career Development Seminars by Top Scientist

A Personal Perspective on 40 Years in Academia:
Global Networking and Seizing One’s Luck!

日時: 2020年2月13日(木) 16:00~17:30
場所: 伊都キャンパス 総合学習プラザ1階110号室(キャンパスマップNo.36)
講師: Professor Jean-Luc Bredas(The University of Arizona)
言語: 英語
対象: 本学の教職員、大学院生

In recounting my journey in the academic world, from the time of my Ph.D. Thesis in Belgium and post-doctoral stay in the US to my present position at the University of Arizona, I will describe events that eventually shape a scientist’s career and can bring success and fulfillment.


Prof. Jean-Luc Bredas received his Ph.D. from the University of Namur, Belgium, in 1979. He moved to the US in 1999 and became full professor of chemistry at the University of Arizona, and then moved to the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2003 where he became Regents’ Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry. He spent 2.5 years at KAUST in Saudi Arabia as Distinguished Professor and Director of the Solar and Photovoltaics Research and Engineering Center. Recently he moved back to University of Arizona to be Department Head for Chemistry and Biochemistry.
His research activities focus on the structural, electronic, optical and interfacial properties of novel organic (nano) materials with promising characteristics in the field of electronics, photonics, and information technology. He is one of the most prominent researchers in the field of organic electronics, with an h-index of 149 and more than 100,000 citations. He is an associate editor of Chemistry of Materials published by the American Chemical Society.

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  Webによるお申込み: http://danjyo.kyushu-u.ac.jp/form/
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*For English
